How this Crazy (Love) idea began...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Shortly after making the decision to move to Framingham, Tommy and I both started to remember things from the past that, at the time, seemed insignificant but in light of our newest calling, proved to be God's way of preparing our hearts to be used for His purpose.

Two years ago, Tommy and I, along with our small group, began a new Bible study based on the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Word of caution here: If you are not ready for God to radically turn your world upside down, then steer clear of this book... or really ANY of Francis Chan's books. BUT, if you are looking for something more, if your Christian life isn't what you pictured, or if you feel like you are missing something, I recommend that you read this book!

Crazy Love takes the reader through a roller coaster of emotion as you are faced with some tough questions.  Questions like "Has your life changed since becoming a follower of Christ?" or "God gave His all to you, are you giving your all to Him?"  These are the questions that Tommy and I would get stuck on while working on the homework.  Before if we were directly asked about the health of our spiritual life, I truly believe that we thought we were red hot in our relationship with Christ, but it was clear that, at best, we were living lukewarm Christian lives.   This study wrecked us right down to our core as individuals and as a couple.

After coming to this realization, we knew that something had to change.  At the time, we were doing everything a "good" Christian family was supposed to do.   We went to church, we were in a small group, we prayed before meals and we served the church.  On the surface, we thought we were doing everything right.  So we needed to pray and we needed to get into His Word!  We needed to ask God what a red hot Christian life looks like for our family.  And that is what we did.  We prayed for God to make clear His purpose for our family.  We prayed for help as we lit our lives on fire for Christ. We prayed that we would be receptive to His plans for us!  We prayed and we waited!

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