Laura Beth Amann is 6 years old (only 6 weeks older than Alex) and has always had a special place in our hearts! She is spunky and witty. Her sense of humor can compete with some of the best and her "tell it like it is" attitude is refreshing. She is in the 1st grade and is looking forward to playing in "that white stuff on the ground" when we move to the Metro West area. She enjoys playing outdoors and can keep up with the boys better than most girls I know! We are so excited to see what God has in store for this little girl with a BIG heart!
Blake Duane Amann is 4 years old and is a firecracker. He runs, jumps, and climbs on everything and has NO FEAR!! I'm sure we will rack up quite the ER bill due to all the broken bones and stitches he will need as his courage multiplies in the coming years. He is certainly teaching Alex what it means to be a Texas BOY and they have such fun together... when they aren't fighting. Shortly after he moved in with us, he started pre-school and enjoys going to "big boy school" just like the big kids! This little man loves to give and receive affection and when he's having a bad day, a hug will usually improve his mood!
Izzy and Alex have taken well to the change in atmosphere and are settling in to having more siblings. This means less chores and more playmates... what kid wouldn't be happy! There are certainly challenges, but the good far outweighs anything else. A lot has changed in the last month for our family but we are confident that God has placed these little ones in our home for a reason and we plan to take full advantage of our time together. We don't know what the future holds for our new party of six, but right now we are just enjoying our new family unit and look forward to moving forward in our pursuit of being Faithfully for Framingham.
Beautiful family!!! Will miss seeing you around Tommy. Loved your story, hope your journey is successful. Love seeing God at work and seeing his many promises being fulfilled. He just wants to be first in our lives and he will guide us through anything. It's been said if you want to make God smile tell him your plans, but he already has plans for us. Good Luck !!! Safe Travels !!
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